History of GABA

GABA was synthesized as a kind of chemicals for first time in 1883. Two scientists Florey and Robert first discovered GABA in the mammalian brain extract in 1950. There are the highest GABA content in brain tissue in human body, approximately 0.1-0.6 mg/g tissue. GABA was found in human digestive tract as neurotransmitter in 1979, which confirms its existence in human tissue. GABA was approved as new resource food by the Ministry of Health of Japan in 2001. GABA was listed as food by Taiwan’s Department of Health in 2005. GABA was approved as new food material in No.12 Bulletin in 2009 by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China on September 27, 2009. Currently, GABA is widely used in foods, functional foods, and dietary supplements, and even in cosmetics in many developed countries, such as the United States and Canada.